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OSSFE conference 2025 - March 18th

Plasma Science and Fusion Centre, MIT
Plasma Science and Fusion Centre, MIT

Here you will find the schedule and abstracts for the OSSFE 2025 conference


🎉 Welcome statement by the organising committee: 7:00 - 7:10 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Presenter: Remi Delaporte-Mathurin

Session P1: 7:10 - 8:10 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Chair: Remi Delaporte-Mathurin, MIT

Number of presentations: 2

P1Everyone in Europe should have access to fusion educationAlf Köhn-SeemannFuseNet Association
P2Open-sourcing IMAS: status, opportunities and challengesOlivier HoenenITER Organization

☕ Break: 8:10 - 8:30 (EDT)

Take the opportunity to make yourself tea or coffee and network with other attendees in the lobby!

Session A: 8:30 - 9:30 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Chair: Patrick Shriwise, ANL

Number of presentations: 3

A2GEOUNED: CSG geometry production for fusion applicationsAljaz KolsekFusion for Energy
A3Code developments at the Swiss Plasma Center and Open ScienceOlivier SauterSwiss Plasma Center (SPC), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Session B: 8:30 - 9:30 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 2

Chair: Ethan Peterson, MIT

Number of presentations: 3

B1PlasmaFAIR: Making Plasma Software BetterPeter HillYork Plasma Institute, University of York
B2Data Without Borders: Open and FAIR Data Services for Fusion ScienceNathan CummingsUKAEA
B3Gyselalib++: A GPU-Ready Library for Gyrokinetic Plasma SimulationsEmily BourneEPFL Switzerland

🖼️ Poster Session: 9:30 - 10:40 (EDT)

The poster session will be split between two rooms with:

Abstract ID’s POS-1-31:

Room: Poster room 1

Abstract ID’s POS-32-62:

Room: Poster room 2

A full list of the posters and their abstracts can be found in the List of posters

🛠️ Tutorial Session: 9:30 - 10:40 (EDT)

Room: Breakout room

A series of tutorials will be available to attend for the following packages:

T1Particle transport and radiation modeling by AURORA toolboxTomas OdstrcilGeneral Atomics
T2F4Enix, a new Python API for pre and post processing of MCNP inputs and outputsAlberto BittesnichATG Science and Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
T3Improving Reproducibility Through Better Software PracticesAnshu DubeyArgonne National Laboratory
T4Fusion Neutronics WorkshopJonathan ShimwellProxima Fusion
T5RadModelingAlvaro CubiFusion for Energy
T6Using WarpX, a general purpose particle-in-cell code Arianna FormentiLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
T7Accelerating Plasma Physics Simulations with Pyccel: A PyGyro Case Study.Jalal MaaouniThe UM6P Vanguard Center, Morocco
T8How Software Quality Assurance Standards Can Drive Industry Adoption of Open-Source Codes in Fusion EnergyCasey IcenhourIdaho National Laboratory
T9FAIR data management for physics and engineering simulation with open-source and commercial codes relevant to FusionMark NorrisopenSPDM Ltd
T10OFELIA: Openmc-FEnicsx for muLtiphysics tutorIAlStefano RivaPolitecnico di Milano

🗣️ Panel Session: 10:40 - 11:20 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Chair: Jonathan Shimwell, Proxima Fusion

A panel session will be held with the following members:

Paul WilsonUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Martin YagiFirst Light Fusion
David BernhodltORNL
Matt VernacchiaCFS
Aiden FowlerMIT

Session P2: 11:20 - 11:50 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Chair: Remi Delaporte-Mathurin, MIT

Number of presentations: 1

P3The PlasmaPy projectNick MurphyCenter for Astrophysics - Harvard & Smithsonian

🍽️ Lunch break: 11:50 - 12:50 (EDT)

Or dinner break for Europe! Or breakfast for the West Coast!

The Gather Town will remain open for networking during the break!

Session C: 12:50 - 13:50 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Chair: James Dark, MIT

Number of presentations: 3

C1Kinetic surface model in FESTIM: Verification and ValidationVladimir KulaginNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI
C2VMEC++: a Python-friendly VMEC reimplementation in C++Enrico GuiraudProxima Fusion
C3Struphy - Solving plasma physics PDEs within the Python ecosystemStefan PossannerMax Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany

Session D: 12:50 - 13:50 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 2

Chair: Nathan Cummings, UKAEA

Number of presentations: 3

D1Applying the Bluemira Fusion Power Plant Framework to Poloidal Field Coilset and Divertor DesignGeorgina GrahamUKAEA
D2DESC: An Open-Source, High-Accuracy Pseudo-Spectral Optimization Code for StellaratorsYigit Gunsur ElmaciogluPrinceton University
D3Simulating diverse fusion concepts with the open-source Particle-In-Cell code WarpXRemi LeheLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

☕ Break: 13:50 - 14:10 (EDT)

Take the opportunity to make yourself tea or coffee and network with other attendees in the lobby!

Session E: 14:10 - 15:10 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Chair: James Dark, MIT

Number of presentations: 3

E1OpenFOAM for Fusion Energy: Capabilities, Applications, and Future DirectionsCarlo FiorinaTexas A&M University
E2A high-fidelity open-source neutronics model for the BABY experimentDavide PettinariPlasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States of America
E3Unifying the Open-Source Nuclear Landscape: The NukeHub VisionAhnaf Tahmid ChowdhuryNukeHub

Session F: 14:10 - 15:10 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 2

Chair: Patrick Shriwise, ANL

Number of presentations: 3

F1Modeling Fusion Systems With MOOSE-based Capabilities: FENIX (Fusion ENergy Integrated multiphys-X)Pierre-Clément SimonIdaho National Laboratory
F2The Open FUSION Toolkit: An open-source suite of fusion modeling tools for engineering, analysis, and educationChristopher HansenColumbia University
F3TORAX: A Fast and Differentiable Tokamak Transport Simulator in JAXJonathan CitrinGoogle Deepmind

🏆 Awards ceremony and closing remarks: 15:10 - 15:20 (EDT)

Room: Talk room 1

Presenter: Remi Delaporte-Mathurin