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List of posters

Here you will find the posters for the OSSFE 2025 conference

The poster session will take place at 9:30 - 10:40 (EDT)

In Poster room 1 (Abstract ID’s POS-1-31):

POS-01openSPDM: open-source, FAIR management of simulation data-setsMark
POS-02XMARTe - A graphical interface for designing Real Time Control Applications with MARTe2Edward JonesUKAEA
POS-03pyvale: A sensor simulation tool for measurement uncertainty assessment and optimising validation experiments for engineering components. Lloyd FletcherUKAEA
POS-04Open-source framework for infrared thermography exploitation in fusionLéo DubusCEA-IRFM
POS-05AI-enabled generative design of fusion componentsVignesh PerumalCAMINNO
POS-06pyforce: Python Framework for data-driven model Order Reduction of multi-physiCs problEmsStefano RivaPolitecnico di Milano
POS-07Surrogate Modelling of Classical and Quantum Electrodynamic Laser Plasma Simulations at Intensities Above 10^22 W/cm^2Joel AdamsUniversity of York
POS-08Using automatic differentiation and neural networks for IFE to develop novel theory, expand simulation capabilities, and analyze experimental dataJonathan BrodrickPasteur Labs and Ergodic LLC
POS-09Developing a State-Oriented Plasma Control SystemEvgeny AdishchevNext Step Fusion sarl
POS-10DisruptionPy: an open-source Python library for disruption study.William WeiMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge MA
POS-11Deep Learning Surrogate Models with OpenSource simulators apply to the IFMIF-DONES facility.Guillermo Rodríguez LlorenteHI-Iberia, University Carlos III of Madrid, Gregorio Millán Barbany Institute
POS-12Fusion Data Lake: An IAEA proposal for international data sharing for AI/ML applications in fusion energy researchDaljeet Singh GahleIAEA
POS-13Quantifying uncertainty in fusion materials with MatFlow, an open-source computational workflow manager for materials scienceAdam PlowmanUKAEA
POS-14Accelerating Fusion Materials Development Through Multi-Scale Simulations and Surrogate ModelingNoe AdepojuExtreme Materials Inc
POS-15Xolotl: a cluster dynamics tool for material evolution under irradiationSophie BlondelUniversity of Tennessee
POS-16CAD_to_OpenMC - an easy to use tool converting CAD-design to neutronics-ready geometryErik Bergbäck KnudsenUnited Neux
POS-17A Complete Open Source Workflow for CAD Based Reactor Neutronics with Unstructured Mesh TallyingJake HarterMarathon Fusion
POS-18Multiphysics Open Source Workflow for Conceptual Design of Inertial Fusion ReactorsAlexandre Sureda CroguennocIDOM UK Ltd
POS-19NeSST - Neutron Scattered Spectra ToolAidan CrillyImperial College London
POS-20Integrating OpenMC and PUMIPic to enable GPU Acceleration of Unstructured Mesh Tallies for Monte Carlo Transport SimulationsFuad HasanRensselaer Polytechnic Institute
POS-21The OpenMC EcosystemPatrick C ShriwiseArgonne National Laboratory
POS-22Hypnos: parametric geometry preparation for fusion-relevant applicationsSiddharth MungaleUKAEA
POS-23Enhancing Fusion Efficiency of Tokamak through Electromagnetic Field ManipulationMoharam AbdelkhalekNuclear and Radiation Engineering /Alexandria University
POS-24NESO-Particles: A Performance Portable Particle Framework For The Fusion Use CaseWill SaundersUKAEA
POS-26Pyrokinetics - A python library to standardise gyrokinetic analysisBhavin S PatelUKAEA
POS-27ReMKiT1D - Designing a novel framework for reactive multifluid and kinetic model development for the tokamak Scrape-Off LayerStefan MijinUKAEA
POS-28ASCOT5: Forging the hammer for your nailsKonsta SärkimäkiVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
POS-29Jax-GS: A differentiable free-boundary Grad-Shafranov equilibrium solver for CPUs and GPUs Ubaid Ali QadriSTFC Hartree Centre
POS-30An open-source python package for atomic kinetics studies in tokamak plasmasDominic PowerLLNL
POS-31AtOMC: A Port of OpenMC for Atomic transport and Plasma Interaction George WilkiePrinceton Plasma Physics Organization

In Poster room 2 (Abstract ID’s POS-32-62):

POS-32An Updated Framework For Synthetic Diagnostics Using Energetic-particle Orbits in TokamaksHenrik JärlebladDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
POS-33JADE v4, a more robust and expandable architecture for neutronics V&VDavide LaghiFusion For Energy
POS-34MGKDB: an open-source MongoDB for nuclear fusion simulationsVenkitesh AyyarSapientai LLC
POS-35TMExtractor: A software toolkit to extract Tearing Modes featuresLuo RunyuHuazhong University of Science and Technology
POS-36Automated Testing and Continuous Integration for the KORC CodebaseIan GibbsORNL
POS-37magnetoHDFoam: a novel open-source OpenFOAM library for magnetohydrodynamicsMatteo Lo VersoPolitecnico di Milano
POS-38A fast electromagnetics library with Rust and PythonJames LoganCFS
POS-39Facilitating Iterative Multi-physics Analysis of Fusion Components with CatbirdHelen BrooksUK Atomic Energy Authority
POS-40FUSE: an open-source framework for tokamak power plant design and operationsOrso MeneghiniGeneral Atomics - San Diego
POS-41A package for differentiable evaluation of fusion rate coefficientsJacob SchwartzPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
POS-42WEST Ion Cyclotron Antenna Electrical Model Digital TwinJulien HillairetCEA, IRFM F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance France
POS-43Implementing Toroidal Harmonic Flux Constraints in BluemiraClair MouldUKAEA
POS-44An automated pipeline from powerplant concept to parametric neutronics model in BluemiraOliver FunkUKAEA
POS-45Automated Stellarator Design Using Open-Source Magnet Codes and AI OptimizationSophie SharpenTtauDigital
POS-46Automation of Multi-Physics Simulations: Coupling OpenFOAM and OpenMC for Fusion ApplicationAbinash ManikandannTtauDigital
POS-47Methodological Advancements in Open-Source Fusion Energy Simulations using OpenMCLuis GarcianTtauDigital
POS-48Workflow Automation for Fusion Power Plant Design using Galaxy WorkflowsDominic LonghornnTtau Digital Ltd
POS-49Multi-Objective Design Optimization for Fusion Energy SystemsOmer MuhammadnTtau Digital Ltd
POS-50Developing an Open-Source Framework for Fusion Power Plant Cost EstimationSamuel WardWoodruff Scientific Ltd
POS-51Collaborative Cost Modeling for Fusion Power Plants Using Open-Source Tools Alex HigginbottomWoodruff Scientific Ltd
POS-52IPS: an open-source framework for (loosely) coupled multiphysics simulationsDavid BernholdtOak Ridge National Laboratory
POS-53FyTok: An Integrated Modeling Simulator for TokamakZhi YUXiaojuan Liu, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
POS-54An Open-Source Workflow for Multi-Physics Analysis of Tritium Breeder BlanketsJuan Diego Iberico LeonardoIDOM
POS-55Open-source MHD modelling of turbulent flow in a molten salt breeding blanketMarco CaravelloNEMO group, Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy
POS-56Verification, Validation, and Demonstration of the MOOSE-based Tritium Migration Analysis Program, Version 8 (TMAP8) Application for Fusion Systems.Pierre-Clément SimonIdaho National Laboratory
POS-57Modelling of deuterium release from tungsten co-deposited films induced by laser heatingVladimir KulaginNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI
POS-58Hydrogen Inventory Simulations for PFCs (HISP) in ITERKaelyn DunnellMIT PSFC
POS-60TRIOMA: an open source application for fast outer fuel cycle tritium transport analysisGabriele FerreroPolitecnico di Torino
POS-61ITER Fusion Reactor Blanket Optimization for Tritium Breeding using OpenMCHusni Naufal ZuhdiUniversitas Gadjah Mada
POS-62Building a new multiphysics workflow in MOOSE: application to tritium migration, trapping and advection in TMAP8Guillaume GiudicelliIdaho National Laboratory
POS-63Thermavip: an open source framework for multi-sensor data acquisition, processing and visualizationVictor MoncadaCEA