The Open FUSION Toolkit: An open-source suite of fusion modeling tools for engineering, analysis, and education
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
Columbia University
The Open FUSION Toolkit is an open-source suite of tools for fusion modeling with a focus on ease of use, tight integration with engineering workflows, and education. The present suite of physics tools include:
- TokaMaker: a 2D static and time-dependent Grad-Shafranov equilibrium tool designed as an user-friendly and open tool for design, control development and education
- ThinCurr: a 3D thin-wall current modeling tool used to study currents in 3D device structures (eg. ports) and as an alternative to fourier-based current potential formulations in stellarator coil optimization,
- MUG: a 3D linear/nonlinear time-dependent MHD tool for plasma dynamics in arbitrary domains, and
- Marklin: a 3D force-free, uniform ideal MHD equilibrium solver. A common core provides capabilities to all tools, including: meshing from CAD models, scalable linear and nonlinear solvers, extensible finite element representations, parallelization via OpenMP+MPI, and 3D visualization. Core functionality is implemented in C/C++/Fortran with Python interfaces for interactive applications and scripting. This talk will present a summary of the toolkit (highlighting applications in each domain) and describe methods to support community adoption including: binary packaging, documentation, and code design.
Work supported by US DOE awards DE-SC0019239 and DE-SC0024898 and Commonwealth Fusion Systems
- Hansen, C., Stewart, I. G., Burgess, D., Pharr, M., Guizzo, S., Logak, F., Nelson, A. O., & Paz-Soldan, C. (2024). TokaMaker: An open-source time-dependent Grad-Shafranov tool for the design and modeling of axisymmetric fusion devices. Computer Physics Communications, 298, 109111. 10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109111
- Hansen, C., Battey, A., Braun, A., Miller, S., Lagieski, M., Stewart, I., Sweeney, R., & Paz-Soldan, C. (2024). ThinCurr: An open-source 3D thin-wall eddy current modeling code for the analysis of large-scale systems of conducting structures. arXiv. 10.48550/ARXIV.2412.14962
- Hansen, C., Marklin, G., Victor, B., Akcay, C., & Jarboe, T. (2015). Simulation of injector dynamics during steady inductive helicity injection current drive in the HIT-SI experiment. Physics of Plasmas, 22(4). 10.1063/1.4917476
- Benedett, T. E., & Hansen, C. J. (2021). Effect of geometric and magnetic boundary conditions on magnetic islands in 3D force-free ideal MHD equilibria. Nuclear Fusion, 61(3), 036022. 10.1088/1741-4326/abd41c