TRIOMA: an open source application for fast outer fuel cycle tritium transport analysis
The open-source TRItium Object-oriented and Modular Analysis (TRIOMA) code simplifies Outer Fuel Cycle (OFC) analysis for Fusion reactors by offering an intuitive, object-oriented framework paired with efficient pre-built analytical functions. Its 0-dimensional analytical formulation supports detailed yet fast evaluations of integral parameters, including tritium inventory and losses, under steady-state conditions for existing components (e.g. heat exchangers, permeation against vacuum extractors), enabling rapid performance estimates for OFC configurations. Both molten salt and liquid metal breeders, which have different analytical formulations, are implemented in the code. Foreseen applications include preliminary OFC design, feasibility and sensitivity studies, start-up transients, pulsed operations, and integration with other open-source tritium transport tools. By simplifying complex OFC analyses, TRIOMA empowers researchers and engineers to make informed decisions during early design stages.